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Reading Notes: Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams

Part I: Manage The Human Resource

The major problems of our work are not so much technological as sociological in nature.

Chapter 2: Make a Cheeseburger, Sell a Cheeseburger

Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Quality

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Part II: The Office Environment

In Part II, we’ll look into some of the causes of lost time and propose measures that you can take to create a healthy, work-conducive environment.

Chapter 8 You never get anything done around here between 9 and 5

If you manage a team of people who need to use their brains during the workday, then the workplace environment (quite,space, and privacy) is your business.

Chapter 10 Brain Time versus Body Time

The phenomena of flow and immersion give us a more realistic way to model how time is applied to a development task. What matters is not the amount of time you’re present, but the amount of time that you’re working at full potential. An hour in flow really accomplishes something, but 10 six-minute work periods sandwiched between 11 interruptions won’t accomplish anything.

E-Factor = Uninterrupted Hours/Body-Present Hours

Chapter 11

Chapter 13

Design Your Workspace

Part III The Right People

Chapter 16 Hiring The Juggler

When you set out to hire a programmer, the rules of common sense are often suspended. You don’t ask to see a design or a program or anything. In fact, the interview is just talk.

Chapter 19 Happy To Be Here